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  • Sparrevik, M.; Breedveld, G.D. 2010. From Ecological Risk Assessments to Risk Governance. Evaluation of the Norwegian Management System for Contaminated Sediments. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 6(2): 240-248.

  • Sparrevik, M.; Barton, D.N.; Oen, A. M.; Sekhar, N. U.; Linkov, I. 2010. Use of Multi-Criterial Involvement Processes (MIP) to Enhance Transparency and Stakeholder Participation at Bergen Harbour, Norway. Submitted to Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.

  • Sparrevik, M.; Saloranta, T.M.; Cornelissen, G.; Eek, E.; Fet, A.; Breedveld, G. D.; Linkov, I. 2010. Use of life cycle assessments to evaluate the environmental footprint of contaminated sediment remediation. Submitted to Environmental Science and Technology.

  • Fet, Annik Magerholm; Schau, Erwin A. Meissner; Haskins, Cecilia. 2010. A framework for environmental analyses of fish food production systems based on systems engineering principles. Systems Engineering, 13(2): 109-118.

  • Sopha, B. M., A. M. Fet, M. M. Keitsch, and C. Haskins. 2010. Using Systems Engineering to Create a Framework for Evaluating Industrial Symbiosis Options. Systems Engineering, 13(2): 149-160.

Book Chapters

  • Fet, Annik Magerholm; Skaar, Christofer; Bedrifters samfunnsansvar (Corporate Social Responsibility), Kapittel 18: Bedriftenes produktansvar – en casestudie fra norsk møbelindustri. Tapir Forlag, 2010.



Feature articles

  • Hagen Ø. Oljeselskap og myten om den oljefrie verden. Printed in Adresseavisen 13 August 2009 [in Norwegian]



Feature articles

  • Michelsen, O. Telenor - samfunnsansvar i praksis? Printed in Adresseavisen 14 June 2008 and Bergens Tidene 22. june 2008 [in Norwegian]

  • Michelsen O. Kommunene og bærekraftig arealbruk. Printed in Adresseavisen 26 February 2008 [in Norwegian]



  • Dahlsrud, A. 2007. How corporate social responsibility is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions. Corporate Social Responsibility and and Environmental Management (in press)

  • Haskins, C. 2007. A systems engineering framework for eco-industrial park formation. Systems Engineering 10(1): 83-97

  • Michelsen, O. 2007. Eco-efficiency in redesigned extended supply chains; furniture as an example. In Eco-efficiency in induistry and science vol 22: Huppes, G. and Ishikawa, M. (eds.) Quantified eco-efficiency. An introduction with applications. Springer, pp 163-179

  • Michelsen, O. 2007. Investigation of relationships in a supply chain in order to improve environmental performance. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 9: 115-123




Feature articles

  • Hagen, Ø. California - foregangsstaten i vest? Printed in Adresseavisen 14 December 2006 [in Norwegian]

  • Hagen Ø. Vil han vekke USA? Printed in Adresseavisen 17 July 2006 [in Norwegian]

Doctoral theses

  • Dahlsrud, A. 2009. Corporate social responsibility as a business contribution to sustainable development. A study based on data from the Norwegian shipping industry. Doctoral Thesis at NTNU, 2009:142

  • Hagen, Ø. 2009. Do socially responsible brands lead to socially responsible companies? Understanding change in expressive organizations. Doctoral Thesis at NTNU, 2009:51

  • Hermansen, J. 2008. Mediating ecological interests between locals and globals by means of indicators. A study attributed to the asymmetry between stakeholders of tropical forest at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Doctoral Thesis at NTNU, 2008:284

  • Haskins, C. 2008. Systems engineering analyzed, synthesized, and applied to sustainable industrial park development. Doctoral Thesis at NTNU, 2008:175

  • Michelsen, O. 2006. Eco-efficiency in extended supply chains - methodological development with regulatory and organizational implications. Doctoral Thesis at NTNU, 2006:216